082 | The Gold-Bricked Road of Truth & Freedom


My conversation last week with Tony Bonnici left me thinking deeply about what keeping your word really means, especially for trauma hiders. So many thoughts came up about what it is to break the cycle of manipulators and shadowy liars. And what I discovered is – the yellow brick road to freedom isn’t built in yellow bricks at all.

It’s built-in gold bricks. And each brick takes you closer to the truth and, eventually, to freedom.

This week, I share my thoughts on breaking the cycle of trauma by following the gold-bricked road to truth and freedom. I explain how my conversation with Tony encouraged me to dig deeper into what it means to keep your word and how finding your path to truth is the key to breaking the cycle of trauma, manipulation, and lies. I also share how each brick of truth you discover in your own journey takes you one step closer to your destination – freedom from trauma.


“The bricks aren’t yellow. The bricks are gold. And each brick is its own bit of truth.”
- Karen Goldfinger Baker


This week on the Trauma Hiders Club Podcast:

●        How my conversation with Tony Bonnici helped me dig deeper into breaking cycles of lies, manipulation, and trauma

●        The nuances of living life as a trauma hider

●        How truth really does set you free


Resources Mentioned:

Emotional Flexibility and Fluidity with Tony Bonnici

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083 | Healing from Betrayal Trauma with Jewelle (Colwell Boldt) Zehr


081 | Emotional Flexibility and Fluidity with Tony Bonnici